Digital Marketing unit4

Social media and online consumer engagement


Informal conversation is probably the oldest mechanism by which opinions on products and brands are developed, expressed, and spread.

(Johan Arndt)


Why does listening to your customers sound like a Web 2.0 idea? It should be a business 1.0 necessity.

(Jeff Jarvis)


We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people.

(Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay)


Facebook is silly.

(Damian’s Dad)


Our chapter pledge to you

When you reach the end of this chapter you’ll have answers to the following questions:


l  What does the term ‘social media’ really mean?

l  How is it changing the digital marketing landscape?

l  Why should I get involved?

l  How can I harness the power of social media to reach and engage with my target audience?

l  How can consumer input help me do business more effectively and refine my products and services?

l  What are the social media rules of engagement?


Join the conversation

Do you listen to consumers – really listen to them? Do you take their opinions, ideas and criticisms on board and allow them to inform your business decisions? If you do, you’re ahead of the game. Historically marketers have focused on delivering a particular message, to a predefined target audience, with the aim of eliciting a specific response. Consumers were sometimes consulted in the process, of course – through market research, consumer surveys, focus groups and the like but by and large the marketing tended to be ‘show and tell’ in nature, the consumer’s role that of a passive recipient of information peddled by the marketer.

Now, thanks to the increasingly interactive nature of the internet and a shift in the way people are consuming media, all of that is changing. Consumers are talking, just as they always have, only now they’re talking online to more extensive groups of  their  peers.  The  conversations they’re having seamlessly transcend geographical, temporal and cultural boundaries. The web is abuzz with a billion conversations, and that presents exciting opportunities for marketers who are brave enough to engage.

Marketing too is evolving rapidly to become more of a conversation than a lecture. Progressive marketers realize that, to be heard in today’s interactive world, they need to participate in that conversation – and, of course, if you want to get the most out of any conversation, you have to spend part of your time listening.

Listening isn’t a trait marketers are traditionally renowned for, but to truly embrace the opportunity presented by Web 2.0 and beyond we need to sit up and take notice of what our online customers and prospects are telling us about our brand, our industry and the world in general.

Through blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, online discussions, social networks, peer review sites and other online media, we have the potential to foster a much more productive and meaningful relationship with our customers, to gain powerful insight into their perceptions of our products,


services and brand, and allow them to contribute and collaborate in our businesses in ways that were never possible before.

Understanding social media demands a paradigm shift for the marketer. We have to realize that our target audience is, in fact, no longer an audience at all. They are now active participants in a constantly evolving debate; it’s a debate in which we, as online marketers, can’t afford to sit on the sidelines.


What is social media?

‘Social media’ is the umbrella term for web-based software and services that allow users to come together online and exchange, discuss, communicate and participate in any form of social interaction. That interaction can encompass text, audio, images, video and other media, individually or in any combination. It can involve the generation of new content; the recommendation of and sharing of existing content; reviewing and rating products, services and brands; discussing the hot topics of the day; pursuing hobbies, interests and passions; sharing experience and expertise – in fact, almost anything that can be distributed and shared through digital channels is fair game.

In a webcast for Search Marketing Now (www.searchmarketingnow. com), Google alumnus and leading social media commentator Vanessa Fox described it as follows: ‘There are all kinds of ways that people talk online, and Social Networking really is anywhere people are  talking online. From a corporate perspective what you’re most interested in is where people are talking about you, talking about your products, and talking about the topics that you care about.’

A huge range of websites now leverage elements of social media to engage with their audience, and some, including a number of the highest-profile sites to emerge in recent years (the Facebooks, MySpaces and YouTubes of this world), base their entire business model around the burgeoning popularity of online social media, user participation and user-generated content (UGC).


Social media is nothing new

One of the biggest misconceptions about social media is that it is a new phenomenon. Online social  interaction  has  been  around  from the beginning. Pre-dating the web by some two decades, bulletin board services (BBSs) and online services like CompuServe and Prodigy allowed



Figure 7.1 The proliferation of social media sites on the internet today is making it incredibly easy for like-minded consumers to connect with each other. They’re talking about everything things that are important to you and your business. It’s time to join the conversation!




users to post messages online for other members to read and respond to, Usenet newsgroups (early internet discussion groups) allowed like- minded participants to exchange views about all sorts of topics ranging from brain surgery to budgerigars, e-mail discussion lists did the same, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) introduced real-time chat into the mix, and browser-based forums and chat rooms brought the discussion on to the web. Social media, one and all.

What has changed over recent years is the reach and penetration of these social media technologies, their adoption into the everyday lives of a mainstream audience, and the proliferation of user-generated content and peer-to-peer interaction that’s resulting from it. In the past online discussion was generally restricted to early adopters: technologists who felt comfortable interacting over the net and who had the technical skills to fathom clunky, often unwieldy user interfaces to accomplish their


goals. Today though, anyone can participate through slick, well-designed, browser-based user interfaces that adopt conventions that everyone is comfortable with. It’s easy, it’s convenient and it’s incredibly powerful, not because of the technology, but because of how that technology nurtures the connections between people.


Social media is naturally compelling

The proliferation of social media is a natural extension of increasing levels of internet usage and the penetration of always-on broadband access. As more people head online and start weaving the internet seamlessly into the fabric of their daily lives, it’s only natural that they bring the very human need to interact and belong with them. We’re biologically programmed to be social and gregarious creatures. The need to interact with other people is hard-coded into our DNA; it’s part of who and what we are, and that’s as true online as it is off. That’s one of the main reasons so many of us find social media incredibly compelling.


Social media is nothing to be afraid of

Compelling it may be, but for many marketers the thought of venturing into this openly interactive, anything-goes, consumer-championed world can be daunting, even scary. The rules here aren’t dictated by marketers, but by consumers – media-savvy consumers who can spot marketing hype a mile away and want nothing to do with it. It’s a dynamic, unpredictable world, and if you get things wrong you risk the very real prospect of a backlash that will travel throughout the network in the blink of an eye.

Worrying? Possibly, but at the end of the day you have to remember that social media is just about people talking, connecting and sharing with other people. Marketing as an industry is (or at least should be) also all about people: understanding them and communicating with them. Is the prospect of talking with the very people you, as a marketer, want to connect with really such a frightening prospect?


With or without you why it’s good to get involved

But, we hear you cry, how can I hope to control this open conversation? You can’t – so don’t even try. What you can do, however, is choose to participate in that conversation and strive to have a positive influence on its direction. That’s fundamentally what social media marketing (SMM) is all about.


One thing is certain: your customers are already talking to each other online; they’re talking about your industry, your competition, your company, your brand and other topics that are relevant to what you do. The conversation is happening, regardless of whether you choose to get involved or not. Surely it’s better to be aware of what’s being said, to listen, engage and foster relationships with these communities, rather than wondering from the periphery.

Effective social media marketing is about leaving the sledgehammer approach to product promotion at home. Stop beating your prospects over the head with the cudgel of marketing hyperbole and instead work to develop your skills in the subtler art of consumer engagement. Find out what people are interested in and what they’re talking about, and then provide useful information, advice and content for them. Talk to them, not at them, and above all listen to them. If you manage to do that effectively, then social media can have an incredibly positive impact on your organization’s online profile.





Why get involved?






Figure 7.2 Why it’s important for your business to get involved in social media

Source: Slide courtesy of search marketing and social media specialist Vanessa Fox – – sourced from a presentation on social media delivered at Search Marketing World, Dublin, in April 2008. © 2008 Vanessa Fox


Just how deep you choose to steep yourself in the social media marketing game will depend a lot on your business, your customers, your goals and your overall digital marketing strategy. But there really is something out there for everyone. Here are just some of the potential benefits of engaging with your customers through online social channels:


l  Stay informed: Find out what your customers really think. Get invalu- able insight into their perception of your products, services, brands, industry and more general topics of interest. Knowing your customers is the key to effective digital marketing – and engaging with them on a social platform can be incredibly revealing, without being intrusive.

l  Raise your profile: By engaging proactively through social media you appear responsive and can build your reputation as an authoritative and helpful player in your field of expertise.

l  Level the playing field: Focus groups, market research surveys and other offline methods of gauging consumer sentiment are expensive and can be well beyond the means of smaller businesses. Now any organization can immerse itself in the social web to discover what consumers are talking about and how they feel, with little or no financial outlay.

l  Influence the influencers: Often the people who are most active in social media circles will be the element of your target market who can be classified as influencers. While small in number compared to the market as a whole, these influential individuals have already gained the trust and respect of their online peers, and fostering their good opinion can have a disproportionate impact on your broader online reputation.

l  Nurture brand advocacy: By engaging positively with people who already have a positive attitude to your brand, you can nurture passionate brand evangelists who will voluntarily advocate your organization through online social media.

l  Pass it on: One of the most powerful aspects of social media is its capacity for viral propagation. It’s the online equivalent of word-of- mouth marketing, except that online the word can travel further, faster. Whether it’s a video on YouTube, a high-profile news story about your company or a post on your blog that’s picked up and distributed by your readers, if it hits the right note, suddenly it’s everywhere, and your profile soars. If you get it right, there’s no more effective way to promote your business.

l  The wisdom of the crowd: You know what they say: two heads are better than one. Well, hundreds, or even  thousands,  of  heads  are  better still. Smart companies realize that by harnessing the collective intelligence of online communities they can find answers to some of


their most challenging business problems. Getting input from online communities using social media is affordable and effective. As well as helping to solve real business dilemmas it can also help you to make more informed research, design and development decisions based on what customers actually want. Now there’s a radical concept!


The different forms of social media

Social media websites come in a wide variety of ‘flavours’, which are all broadly based around the premise of personal interaction, creating, exchanging and sharing content, rating it and discussing its relative merits as a community. The content can be links to other websites, news articles or blog posts, photographs, audio, video, questions posed by other users

anything, in fact, that can be distributed in digital form.

Most social media websites don’t sit neatly into a single category; they tend to mix a range of social components that transcend the discrete boundaries people try to define for them. Still, given our human prop- ensity for filing things into nice, neat boxes, there are several generally accepted groupings into which most social media sites sit with relative comfort based on their primary function. The following list is a taster and is far from exhaustive. Start looking, and you’ll find plenty of social media sites or components out there that don’t fall neatly into any of the categories we outline below, some that span multiple categories and others that defy categorization altogether, all of which demonstrates the dynamic, constantly evolving nature of the space. As the saying goes, we live in interesting times.


Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking sites, like delicious (, Ma.gnolia (,StumbleUpon( allow users to ‘save’ bookmarks to their favourite web resources (pages, audio, video, whatever) and categorize them using tags (labels that help you to identify and filter the content you want later). The concept is much the same as adding a page to your browser favourites, just taken to the next level.

Now, instead of having your bookmarks stuck on the hard drive of a single computer, they’re up in ‘the cloud’ (the fashionable umbrella term for the amorphous mass of software and services that run in the ether of cyberspace), which means you can access them from anywhere. That also


makes them easy to share with friends, colleagues or the world at large, and the tag-based organization means no more cumbersome hierarchical folder systems to remember. Just choose a ‘tag’ and you’ll be presented with a list of all the bookmarks labelled with that tag. Simple.

Behind the scenes these sites anonymously aggregate the data submitted by all of their users, allowing them to sort and rank sites according to their user-defined tags and popularity.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Amplify your exposure and traffic: By creating compelling, useful content and making it easy for visitors to bookmark your pages (by providing ‘Share this’ links or icons encouraging them to do just that) you can harness the social element of these sites to improve your reach, and get valuable, targeted traffic in return.

l  Increase your perceived relevancy and authority: The tags applied to your pages by people who add them to social bookmarking sites can help search engines and visitors to gauge what your site is about more effectively. This can boost its perceived relevance and authority for particular keywords, which can in turn help your search visibility.


Social media submission sites

Social media submission sites, like Digg ( and Reddit (, and niche sites like Sphinn (, a site for submission and discussion of articles about online marketing, are rather like social bookmarking sites (see above), only instead of saving personal bookmarks users submit articles, videos, podcasts and other pieces of content they think the broader community would appreciate. The more people who ‘vote’ for a particular content item, the higher up the rankings it rises. Submissions that get enough votes end up on the site’s home page, which can drive significant traffic.

As well as the votes, of course, there also tends to be a lot of discussion and debate on these sites, which means they can offer tremendous insight into the way people think and react.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Find out what people are interested in: You can use social media submission sites to gauge what type of content in your particular field people find compelling. Look at the content that’s floating to the top. Ask yourself why it’s so popular. What’s appealing about it, and how can you draw on that to make your own content more compelling?


l  What’s the buzz? As well as what’s ‘hot’ on the sites, there’s a lot of discussion going on around popular content items. The more popular an entry gets, the more people see it and the more debate there is. Examine what people are saying – look at reviews, comments and discussions; find out what people like and what they don’t like, and use that insight to inject that elusive ‘buzz’ quotient into your own content.

l  Amplify your exposure, traffic and online reputation: As with social book- marking, having articles and other content ranking highly on these sites can give you a tremendous boost in traffic. However, they also give you the opportunity to raise your profile and perceived authority within your online community. By contributing constructively, sub- mitting relevant and interesting content, and joining the debate sur- rounding on-topic content you can boost the community’s overall perception of your brand.


Forums and discussion sites

Online forums and discussion sites have been around since the early days of the internet. Broad, general discussion groups like Yahoo Groups ( and Google Groups ( com), where anyone can sign up and start their own online or e-mail discussion community on any topic under the sun, are still popular, and you’ll find a mass of other discussion sites focusing on general, industry-specific (vertical) and niche communities covering every topic imaginable.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Get closer to your customers: Checking out what consumers are talking about in forums is a great way to find out what makes them tick. The more you can learn about your customers, the better prepared you will be to engage with them in a meaningful way.

l  Raise your profile: Contribute to the discussion, offer help and advice, and demonstrate your expertise. Pretty soon people will start to respect and trust your contribution to the community – and that can do wonders for your online reputation and profile.

l  Nip bad things in the bud: By participating in forums you will be able to spot potentially negative comments or conversations relating to your business or brand and be proactive in resolving them before they escalate (more about this in the next chapter). What’s more, if you’re already participating as a valued member of the community, you may well find others jumping to your defence.


l  Targeted traffic: Traffic shouldn’t be your main reason for joining a discussion forum – blatant off-topic promotion and linking to your own sites for the sake of it are frowned upon, but most forums allow (even encourage) one or two links in your signature (a short snippet, usually a few lines, that is appended to the bottom of every post you submit to a forum). Make sure you follow the forum rules on this, but by including links in your signature you give other people on the forum a convenient way to find your site(s) and to discover more about you and your company. Many will click through for a closer look, particularly if you make regular, valuable and relevant contributions to the forum.


Media sharing sites

Media sharing sites are incredibly popular. Sites like Flickr ( com) and Picasa Web Albums ( allow com- munities of members to upload, share, comment on and discuss their photographs. YouTube (, Y! Video ( com), MSN Video Soapbox ( and others do the same for video content. A host of other social media sites support alternative media types: Slideshare (, for example, is a site that allows people to upload, share and discuss their presentation slides with the world.

The sites typically allow you to make content publicly available or restrict access to the people you specify, to send content to your ‘friends’, and even to ‘embed’ (seamlessly integrate) the content in your blog post or website for others to find it, distribute it and discuss it.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Find out what turns your target market on: By analysing the popularity of items on content submission sites and reading the user comments, you can gain insight into your target market’s likes and dislikes and can incorporate that into your own content creation.

l  A ready-made vehicle for content distribution: These sites are the ideal vehicle for rapid distribution of your own digital media content. In fact, a whole micro-discipline of digital marketing has evolved around YouTube and viral video content. Hit the right buttons with your audience and, who knows, maybe your video clip will become the next ‘Dove Evolution’ ( – 6,694,180 views and counting.


Reviews and ratings sites

Reviews and ratings sites do exactly what the name says: they allow users to review and rate companies, products, services, books, music, hotels, restaurants anything they like. They can be stand-alone review sites, like (, ( or LouderVoice (, or a review com- ponent added to a broader site, such as the product rating and review facilities on e-commerce sites like Amazon (

You’ll also find specialist industry-specific review sites covering many industry-specific or vertical markets, like TripAdvisor (www.tripadvisor. com), for example, which focuses on consumer reviews of travel destina- tions, accommodation and transport options, or RateMyTeachers (www., which allows pupils and parents to rate and comment on their educators.





Figure 7.3 LouderVoice ( one of a new breed of peer review websites that lets people share their opinions about products, brands and services either directly on the site or via their blogs, micro- blogs or SMS


What’s in it for marketers

l  Advertising: Most review sites rely on advertising to generate revenue and therefore offer advertising opportunities for businesses either directly or through advertising and affiliate networks.

l  Insight into what’s good and what’s bad: Even if people aren’t rating your business directly, you can still get valuable information on these sites on what’s working for consumers and what’s not within your particular industry. If you run a hotel, for example, you can see what people’s main gripes are and what they particularly appreciate and then apply that knowledge to your own business.

l  Find out what people really think: If consumers are posting reviews about your business, that sort of feedback is pure gold – reinforcing what you’re doing well and pointing out areas where you can improve. It’s market research for free.


Social network sites

These are your archetypal social media sites – the Facebooks, MySpaces, Bebos and LinkedIns – the ones people automatically think about when you mention the words ‘social networking’. They are – to paraphrase Facebook’s opening gambit – ‘social utilities that connect you with the people around you’. They basically let users build up a group of ‘friends’ with whom they can share things in all sorts of ways – from videos, to articles, to games, to groups and causes, to. . . well, if you haven’t got one already, sign up for a profile of your own and you’ll soon get the idea.

Huge numbers of people use social networking sites, and those numbers are growing all the time as more people join and invite all of their contacts to join them. At the time of writing MySpace, the global leader, reports around 200 million active users, while Facebook, the up-and-coming social network hot-shot, reports some 70 million users and climbing. Those are impressive numbers when you consider that MySpace was founded only in 2003, while Facebook started in 2004 but wasn’t opened up to non-students until April 2006.

Jeremiah Owyan, a senior analyst at Forrester Research, confirmed on his blog in January 2008 that Facebook had the highest growth rate of the two, and Forrester predicts that it will catch its rival in terms of user numbers by late 2008 or early 2009.

Social network sites are popular because they offer users the ability to find and connect with people they already know in novel, convenient ways: rekindle old acquaintances and reinforce new ones. They make the process of communicating with a large network of people easy and


painless. You post information to your profile and it’s instantly available to those of your friends who are interested. You can broadcast information to all of your friends simultaneously or choose who you want to share specific content with.

Talking to a room full of software developers in San Francisco in 2007, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s youthful founder, summarized the company’s mission thus: ‘At Facebook we’re pushing to make the world a more open place, and we do this by building things that help people use their real connections to share information more effectively.’ This pretty much encapsulates the social networking phenomenon that’s gripping the online world today.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Advertising: Social networks offer flexible advertising options for businesses looking to target their ads based on the profile informa- tion of users and/or particular actions. While the targeting angle is a compelling one, and social network audiences are large and growing, the jury is still out on the potential of the social network as an effective advertising medium. The audience is undoubtedly there, but many experts question whether advertising on social networking sites converts effectively. It’s something to consider, certainly, if it’s a good ‘fit’ for your business and you have a clearly defined audience that’s interested in your product or brand, but be cautious and track your results carefully.

l  Improve your online exposure/reputation: Social network sites usually allow organizations to set up their own profile or page. Members of the network can then link to these pages as ‘friends’ or ‘fans’. Your page is essentially your business hub within the network and can be a great way to monitor what consumers think about you, to find out more about them and to offer them valuable content in return. Having a presence on these networks, keeping your content up to date, relevant and valuable to your audience, and responding positively to the feedback you receive are another great way to boost your online reputation.

l  Nurture social evangelists: Your social network can be a great place to attract brand advocates and to recruit and nurture brand evangelists. People on social networks love to share. Find the people who are passionate about your industry, your brand and your products, reward them with valuable information and content, and then watch as they put all of their passion, zeal and social media acumen to work promoting your brand to the rest of their social network.



In the space of a very few years the widespread popularity and adoption of the blog (an acronym of weB LOG) as a medium of self-expression and communication have caused one of the most fundamental shifts in the history of modern media. Suddenly, anyone can be a publisher. Barriers to entry have come crashing down, and easy-to-use blogging platforms have liberated millions of individuals, giving them access to a global audience. Setting up a blog can take as little as five minutes of your time on a free hosted service like Blogger ( or WordPress (, and setting up a blog on your own domain is only marginally more complicated. People all over the world are using blogs to report local news, vent their frustrations, offer their opinions, share their visions and experiences, unleash their creativity and generally wax lyrical about their passions. And the world is listening and answering.

The blogosphere (the collective name applied to the global blogging community) is the home of internet buzz. If something is worth talking about online (and often even if it’s not) it will be written about, com- mented upon and propagated through the blogosphere. There are, of course, millions of blogs out there that simply don’t make the grade but they don’t get an audience. The best blogs float to the top (largely through online word-of-mouth, effective search engine ranking and the effect of social media submission and social bookmarking sites).

It’s not just private individuals who are blogging, of course – the blog is becoming an important component in the business arsenal too, adding a personal component to the bland corporate façade, helping companies to reach out and make human connections in an increasingly human online world.

Bloggers read each other’s posts, they comment on them, they link to each other prolifically, and the best of them have a massive following of avid and loyal readers. These readers go on to elaborate on what they’ve read in their own blogs, and spread the word through their own online social networks.

If you choose to do only one thing in the social media space, then get to know the popular blogs in your industry. Who are the people behind them? What are they writing about? What turns them on (and off)? Which topics generate the most comments? Prominent bloggers tend to be the biggest online influencers of them all – you need to be aware of them, build a relationship with them, and leverage that position where possible to help spread the word.

Never underestimate blogs. Their simplicity belies an unprecedented power to mould and influence online opinion. For a digital marketer,


blogs and bloggers can be your salvation – or your damnation. Treat them with the respect they deserve.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Potentially massive exposure: Traditional press releases to your local media outlets are all very well, but get your story picked up and propagated by prominent bloggers and you’ll get more online exposure, traffic and inbound links (think SEO) than any traditional press release could ever hope to achieve (for more tips on getting online press releases picked up by bloggers, see Chapter 8).

l  Consumer engagement: Use your own corporate blog to add your voice to the blogosphere. Show your customers a personal side to your business, give them valuable information they can use, provide answers and improve their overall experience of dealing with your company. Try not to use your blog as a vehicle for blatant product and brand promotion but rather as a vehicle to offer your readers a personal insight into your company and brand. Sure, product announcements and press-release-like posts are fine, but look further afield too. You could offer your opinions and insight into industry news and events, comment on and link to other blogs that are  discussing  relevant issues, or get your resident expert to post ‘how-tos’ of getting the most out of your products. Engage with the online community, and they’ll engage with you in turn. The more you give of yourself, the more you’ll get back.



Podcasts are, in many ways, just the rich media extension of the blogging concept. A podcast is simply a series of digital media files (audio or video) distributed over the internet. These can be accessed directly via a website or, more usually, are downloaded to a computer or synchronized to a digital media device for playback at the user’s leisure. They tend to be organized as chronological ‘shows’, with new episodes released at regular intervals, much like the radio and television show formats many of them emulate. Users can usually offer their feedback on particular episodes on the accompanying website or blog.

Although podcasting is still considered a nascent technology, there’s already plenty of choice in the ‘podosphere’, and podcast portals like (, Podcast Alley (, Podomatic ( and even Apple’s iTunes ( com/itunes) offer a convenient way to find, sample and subscribe to podcasts of interest.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Listen and learn: Leading podcasters in your industry will very probably be talking about things that are relevant to you as a business and to your customers. Podcasters also tend to be social media enthusiasts – influencers who have their finger on the digital pulse of their audience. You can harness their understanding of the online community in your particular space by analysing their podcasts, and the comments and feedback from their audience, to feed into your own digital marketing efforts.

l  Do it yourself: Podcasting requires a little more technical know-how than blogging, but not as much as you might think to get started. At its most basic, all you really need is a digital audio recorder, some editing software and a website that you can post your files to. Depending on your business, your audience and your goals (back to strategy again!), podcasting may well offer you a valuable additional channel to reach your market. It could also help position you as a progressive digital player in your industry.



Micro-blogging is a relatively new craze that’s sweeping through online early adopters, and  looks  set  to  explode  as  more  people  embrace social media and learn of its existence. It is essentially a short-message broadcast service that let’s people keep their ‘friends’ up to date via short text posts (usually less than 160 characters). Twitter ( is the biggest player in this space, with similar services being offered by the Google-acquired Jaiku ( and Pownce (www.pownce. com), a service that marries the micro-blogging short-messaging concept with file sharing and event invitations. Leading social network sites, like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn, also offer a kind of micro-blogging functionality within their ‘walled garden’ networks through their ‘status updates’ features.

At first glance micro-blogging may seem a bit pointless. After all, what can you really say in the Twitter-imposed limit of 140 characters? Well, think about SMS text messages on your phone – 160 characters maximum, and billions of people use them to communicate effectively every day.

The real value of micro-blogging isn’t necessarily in the individual posts; it’s in the collective aggregation of those mini-posts into more than the sum of their parts. When you receive frequent, short updates from the people you’re connected to, you begin to get a feel for them, to develop a better understanding of what they’re all about, and to feel a stronger connection with them.


What’s in it for marketers

l  Your finger on the digital marketing pulse: Micro-blogging platforms give you, as a marketer,  access  to  high-profile  thought  leaders  in the industry. They’re using micro-blogging services to post snippets about what they’re doing and how they’re doing it, links  to  new online resources and thought on developments at the bleeding edge of the industry. By ‘following’ these thought leaders you can harness that valuable intelligence and use it to inform your own marketing decisions.

l  Understand the influencers: Follow the influencers in your industry, and influence them in return. Identifying influencers is easy they’ll be the  most  active  participants  talking  about  topics  relevant  to your business with the most followers. You’ll be amazed how much insight following the micro-blogging streams of a group of industry influencers can provide. By demonstrating your openness in adopting the latest in social media technology, you’ll be seen as progressive and, as long as your contributions are constructive, will likely rise in their estimation.

l  Communicate with your customers: Why would you want to micro-blog to your customers? Well, some very high-profile companies do (including Dell, the New York Times, ITN News, BBC, Southwest Airlines and British Airways to name but a few), not to mention prominent politi- cians (Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, for example, were both prominent on Twitter during the 2008 Democratic presidential candi- date campaign) and other high-profile public figures.  In  a  world where e-mail has become increasingly noisy, offering a micro-blog feed provides beleaguered consumers with a convenient alternative way to subscribe to your updates without adding yet another newsletter to their cluttered inbox.

l  Raise your online profile: Micro-blogging offers you yet another oppor- tunity to get in front of your online audience and establish your expert- ise. Be forthcoming, answer questions, provide interesting snippets of news and advice, and direct people to useful blog posts, articles and other resources – yours and other people’s. Help people, learn about them, listen to them, and give your online reputation another boost.

l  Generate traffic: While not the primary goal, links on your micro- blogging profiles, and in your posts, can have the residual benefit of directing traffic to your website.



Wikis are online collections of web pages that are literally open  for anyone to create, edit, discuss, comment on and generally contribute to. They are perhaps the ultimate vehicle for mass collaboration, the most famous example, of course, being Wikipedia (, the free online encyclopedia.

As at April 2008, Wikipedia reported that it had a staggering 2,349,270 English-language articles in its database. To put that number into context, the Encyclopaedia Britannica (, a leading commercial encyclopedia, contains just over 65,000 articles. Despite criticisms from some quarters over the accuracy of some of its articles and the perceived authority of the information it contains, according to independent web tracking company Alexa ( in the first quarter of 2007 Wikipedia received roughly 450 times the online traffic of its commercial rival Britannica Online (

The name ‘wiki’ originates from the Hawaiian word for ‘quick’, although it’s sometimes also used as what’s been dubbed a ‘backronym’ (a sort of reverse-engineered acronym) of ‘what I know is’. And essentially, that’s what wikis do they let large communities of people collaborate to share their knowledge, experience and expertise online. Wikis are created by, and policed by, the community. Because of their open nature, inaccurate or misleading information can find its way on to a wiki, but if the wiki is active and vibrant inaccuracies are usually picked up quickly and eradicated by other community members. So wiki articles are constantly evolving and tend to become increasingly accurate and authoritative over time as the community grows, and they tend to be updated with new information as it becomes available.


What’s in it for marketers

The concept of using wikis as a marketing tool is a very new phenomenon, and their value may not be as readily apparent as with some other forms of social media. However, they are a powerful collaborative tool and, with collaboration between companies and their customers in the ascendancy, look out for increasing use of wikis by innovative organizations in the very near future.


l  Build a strong collaborative community of advocates around your brand: Wikis can be a great way to encourage constructive interaction and collaboration between people inside your organization and people outside it (your customers). Consumers begin to feel ownership and connection with a brand that encourages, facilitates and values their


contribution. That ownership evolves into loyalty and then advocacy: powerful stuff from a marketing perspective, especially when you consider that these contributors will often be online influencers who will go on to sing your praises on other social media sites.

l  Harness the wisdom of the crowd: How much talent, knowledge and experience do you have inside your organization? Probably quite a lot

but it pales into insignificance when compared to the massive pool of talent, experience and expertise you can access online. Retired experts, up-and-coming whizz-kids, talented amateurs, undiscovered geniuses – they’re all out there. Wikis give you a simple, powerful and compelling way to draw on and capture some of that collective intelligence. Why not harness a wiki, for example, to help refine the design of your products, come up with your next great marketing campaign, define a more efficient business process, produce and/or augment product documentation, develop a comprehensive know- ledge base or anything else that might benefit from a collaborative approach?


The rules of engagement

Social media, then, offers a wealth of opportunity for consumer engagement and building brand awareness, but in such an open and dynamic space it’s critical to consider what you’re doing carefully. Social media is consumer driven, and the very characteristics that makes it such an enticing proposition for marketers – the interconnected nature of online consumers, and the staggering speed at which information traverses the network can just as easily backfire.

The ‘rules’ of social media are really about applying a bit of common sense to what are essentially human relationships. The key thing to remember is that this is social media people are going online to interact and exchange information and content with similar, like-minded people. They’re unlikely to be interested in your latest sales pitch, and they’re certainly not interested in promotional hype. They want interesting, fun, informative, quirky, addictive whatever turns them on. When it comes to social media, you’re not just sending out a message; you’re inviting a response, and what you get might not be quite what you’re expecting. You need a plan to engage in social media marketing, but you also need to be flexible and respond to the community.


l  Draw on what you already know: You already have a wealth of knowledge about your customers who they are, what they like to do and where


they hang out online. OK, so one of the main reasons you’re getting involved in social media is to get to know them a little better but the point is that you’re not going into this blind. Use that knowledge: apply what you already know about your customers, your business and your brand to your social media strategy. As you learn more, refine what you’re doing accordingly.

l  Don’t jump in unprepared: Have a clear plan before you start – know who you’re trying to engage with and what you want to achieve. Define ways to gauge and measure your success, with frequent milestones to help keep you on track. But remember to be flexible, and modify your plan as necessary in response to community feedback.

l  Look, listen and learn: Before you engage in social media marketing, spend some time ‘lurking’ (hanging around without contributing). Familiarize yourself with the different types of social media sites that you plan to target. Go and use the sites; read the blogs; immerse yourself in the media. Look, listen and learn. Just as in real life, every online community is different. Familiarize yourself with the various nuances before you dive in.

l  Be open, honest and authentic: Nowhere is the term ‘full disclosure’ more appropriate than in social media. Don’t go online pretending to be an independent punter extolling the virtues of your brand. You will get found out, and when you do your company will go ‘viral’ for all the wrong reasons. There are some high-profile examples of companies getting this spectacularly wrong, with disastrous results. Never pretend to be someone or something you’re not.

l  Be relevant, interesting and entertaining: Everything you do should add value to the community, as well as moving you towards your business goals. Be helpful; be constructive; be interesting and entertaining. Join the conversation, and offer valuable, authoritative and considered advice. Make a real effort to engage with the community on their terms, and you’ll usually find them more than happy to engage with you in return.

l  Don’t push out a spammy message: Don’t join social media sites just to submit a mass of links and push information about your own products or flood the community with posts on why your company is the best thing since sliced bread. It smacks of spam and adds nothing to the conversation. At best, the community will ignore you. At worst, well, we’re back to the negative viral effect again.

l  Respect ‘rules’: If the site you’re frequenting has policies, guidelines and rules, read them and abide by them.

l  Respect people: Always be respectful to your fellow community members. That doesn’t mean you always have to agree with them; healthy debate is good in any community. When you do disagree, though, always be


polite and respectful of other people. They have as much right to their opinion as you do to yours. Don’t get personal.

l  Respond to feedback: If users give you feedback, that’s invaluable. Let them know that you appreciate it and that you’re interested in what they have to say. Be responsive, and show them how you’ve used that feedback constructively.


Adding social media to your own site

Remember, social media isn’t the exclusive province of specialist social and community websites. You can integrate social media components into your own website and begin to harness the collective talent and intelligence of a vibrant community of users. Perhaps the most obvious example is Amazon’s reviews and ratings system emulated around the web – which allows consumers to review the books and other products the site sells.

Another area where social media really comes into its own is in allowing your consumers to collaborate with you. Forums like Dell’s IdeaStorm (, for example, allow customers to suggest and vote on features they’d like to see implemented in the computer manufacturer’s product line-up. It’s like a next-generation business suggestion box and focus group rolled into one. The ideas that get the most votes from the IdeaStorm community rise to the top of the heap, much like items on social media submission sites like Digg. The top ideas are then evaluated and selected to go into production.

Through IdeaStorm, Dell’s customers are having a direct, positive and tangible influence on the design and development of Dell products. The consumer feels more involvement and connection with the brand, while the company enjoys an improved reputation in the community and ultimately delivers a better end product to its customers. It’s a classic win– win scenario.

Then, of course, there are customer support forums – where the community can answer each other’s queries about your products and services. People get answers to their questions quickly, and over time you build an invaluable, searchable knowledge base of solutions to common problems. Because consumers are responding to each other’s queries you improve the overall customer support experience, while reducing the burden on your own support resources again a win–win. There are literally hundreds of ways to use social media to harness the collective intelligence, experience and latent talent of your customers and the broader online community. Imagination, openness and a willingness to engage with and learn from others are all that it takes.



Figure 7.4 Dell IdeaStorm is a great example of a company harnessing the collective intelligence and creativity of consumers to inform real busi- ness decisions that ultimately foster consumer buy-in and deliver what customers want


Whatever social media strategy you choose to implement, remember that, even when you host social media components on your own sites, the same rules of engagement apply: be open, be honest, be considerate

and most of all listen to your customers, hear what they have to say and

respond in a proactive and positive way.

Welcome to the conversation; welcome to the future of marketing!


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